Page name: the loosers club [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-10-09 21:27:45
Last author: wolvie
Owner: wolvie
# of watchers: 11
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The Loosers Club

Welcome to the loosers club, the place for all of Wolvie's friends to gather and chat and possibly rp


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2008-10-22 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: yes the brains havve exploded

2008-10-22 [wolvie]: *ish uber sad*

2008-10-22 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: tiz ok wolvie

2008-10-22 [wolvie]: but her brains...

2008-10-22 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: they will somehow be fixed or she will find new ones

2008-10-22 [wolvie]: true she can have half of mine!

2008-10-22 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: -nods- maybe that will work

2008-10-22 [wolvie]: *nods two* i ish uber smart ^^

2008-10-22 [Boomnesss]: *ish brainless and wishes dat someone would put my brains back together*

2008-10-22 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: yes wolvie i suppose so

2008-10-22 [wolvie]: *tries to put teh brains back together but fails* you can has my brains kimmi

2008-10-22 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: epic fail

2008-10-22 [Boomnesss]: but if i take your brain then you wont has yours....<img:c-gif.gif>

2008-10-22 [wolvie]: but i can livees without it

2008-10-22 [Boomnesss]: you....can?

2008-10-22 [wolvie]: *nods*

2008-10-22 [Boomnesss]: *Wolvies brain is implanted into my head* Oh wow...everything looks.....odd....*has an intense urge to bark*

2008-10-22 [wolvie]: *stands there* i...cant bark nomore :(

2008-10-22 [Boomnesss]: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You cant bark?!  *pulls Wolvies brain out of my head and gives it back*

2008-10-22 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: -glues sans brain back together-

2008-10-22 [Boomnesss]: *takes my gluey brain and shoves it into my head* Thanks Mon^_^

2008-10-22 [wolvie]: *wags my tail and starts backing randomly*

2008-10-22 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: welcomes san

2008-10-22 [Boomnesss]: Yay!!!!!!! *looks at Wolvie* My brain is glueier than your brain!!!!!!!!

2008-10-22 [wolvie]: *whines for my brain isnt gluey

2008-10-22 [Boomnesss]: *squirts some glue into Wolvies brain* Ish dat better?

2008-10-22 [wolvie]: *smiles* much ^^

2008-10-22 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: -tackles san-

2008-10-22 [Boomnesss]: GAH!!!!!! *ish tackled to the ground*

2008-10-22 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: -laughs-

2008-10-22 [wolvie]: *barks at mon*

2008-10-22 [Boomnesss]: *meows at Wolvie*

2008-10-22 [wolvie]: *yawns*

2008-10-22 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: -growls-

2008-10-22 [Boomnesss]: XD....i now have my own fan club...XD.. Kimmis-Fanclub

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: o.0 you do sweet

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: XD.....yeah

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: how many fans?

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: lol...i just made the wiki...3 so far...XD

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: oh well you might get more

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: XD this is what I wrote on it: 
Wiki Purpose: A place of gathering for anyone who wants to stalk me, or who lovers me...

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: ah well goodluck with the wiki bub

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]:

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: if you get more followers tat is

2008-10-23 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (runs in) O_o

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: hi^_^

2008-10-23 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: hi...

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!hi! hi! hi!

2008-10-23 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: O_o (get scared)...

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: I sorry......<img:mood21-gif.gif>

2008-10-23 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: its ok kimmi...

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: *tackle-hugs joo!!!!!!!!!!!*

2008-10-23 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: GUH!

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: wooooooooo the gnomes are coming they want to see your bony they know your heart and every single part

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: GNOMES! WHERE?!

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: -looks to the left-

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: *looks to where Mon is looking* GNOMES!!!!!!!!!!! *runs over to them but they scurry away and I start to look sad*

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: wooooo -moshes with the gnomes-

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: *runs over to Mon* WHEEEEEEEEEE! *moshes along with Mon and da gones*

2008-10-23 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (bites my arm) OWIE! >_<

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: *stares at Chrono* uh, are you alright? O.O

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: chrno why you bite yourself?

2008-10-23 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (looks at mon then at kimmi) YOU SEEN NOTHING! (runs away)

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: *ish confuzzled*

2008-10-23 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (trips over a wild cat as it jumps and i fall)

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: -runs after chrono-

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: *hellps Chrono up*

2008-10-23 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (lays on the floor) X.X

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: CHRONO?! are you.....ok?

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: -sits with chrono- whats wrong bub?

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: *sits beside Chrono waiting for an answer*

2008-10-23 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (looks at mon and kimmi)...i got bored and so i started bitting my arms (show you the bite marks)

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: dunt hurt yourself ok bub

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: oh wow.....cant you do something...better than biting your arm....poor thing *huggles Chrono*

2008-10-23 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (huggles bacK) i duck taped the cat...

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: O.O YOU WHAT%?!

2008-10-23 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: >_< STUPID CAT SHITED IN MY DAMN ROOM!~

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: O.O it in duct tape?!

2008-10-23 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: JUST ITS FEET....>_< im damn bed!

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: ........*stares at Chrono...a bit worried about Chrono's sanity*

2008-10-23 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (sits on the floor banging my head on the wall)

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: Dont do that! *puts a pillow between Chrono's head and the wall*

2008-10-23 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (looks at kimmi)....

2008-10-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: o.O

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: *looks at Chrono, at Kitty, and then back to Chrono*

2008-10-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^

2008-10-23 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (tackles kitty) WHERE IS WOLVIE! T_T

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: *sighs* I wish Wolvie was here :( 

2008-10-23 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: T_T...

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: I lovers Wolvie.....<img:mood13-gif.gif>*cries*

2008-10-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -pounces chrono- i dont know.....-sniffles and starts crying-

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: *continues crying*

2008-10-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -huggles kimmi-

2008-10-23 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (sighs and hugs kitty and kimmi)...

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: WOOOOOOLVIE IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-10-23 [wolvie]: wolvie is back sorry guys busy freaking day

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: *quickly huggles Kitty and then launches myself at Wolvie*

2008-10-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -pounces wolvie-

2008-10-23 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (walks over to wolvie) ^^

2008-10-23 [wolvie]: i assume i was missed kimmi?

2008-10-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -nods- very much

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: -nods- very

2008-10-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^

2008-10-23 [wolvie]: i missed you dudes two ^_^

2008-10-23 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (yawns)

2008-10-23 [wolvie]: dudes a learned a hard truth today, groceries are spensive

2008-10-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -nods-

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: -nods with Kitty-

2008-10-23 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (giggles) yea they are ^^

2008-10-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^

2008-10-23 [wolvie]: aye $70 for (hopefully) a months worth for me and my daddy

2008-10-23 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: eh...that should be good...>_> i have a big family XD

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: lol...i have a big family...i live with my aunt, uncle, 3 cousins, and my grandma....XD...oh...and we have a friend and her 6 year old staying with us until they get their appartment...XD

2008-10-23 [wolvie]: wow thats a ton of peoples ^^

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]:

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: Lol...I share a room with 2 of my cousins...XD...3 girls in one room can be pretty ugly...XD

2008-10-23 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (yawns)...

2008-10-23 [wolvie]: nice

2008-10-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: o.o

2008-10-23 [wolvie]: how do you get a baby to stop crying? im getting desperate

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: i dunno never dealt with kids before

2008-10-23 [wolvie]: she finally calmed down yay!

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: she did woot

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: Usually I just hold them and walk them around....and then they stop

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: i babysat some kids today..thats why i was gone^_^

2008-10-23 [wolvie]: yeah i tried that it didnt work :(

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: you try reading a book to her?

2008-10-23 [wolvie]: yeah it helped for like 10 mins then she cried again and finally i just let her cry and she stopped after a few minutes

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: lol...kk

2008-10-23 [wolvie]: so how is kimmi?

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: Kimmi ish good^_^ i bit hyper cause I drank coffee...O.O

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: lala thats great she calmed down

2008-10-23 [wolvie]: sweetness im ubet tired and wants to go home

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: *starts running in cirlces screaming hysterically about nothing in particular because I ish so hyper*

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: awww...i soryy wolvie<img:mood21-gif.gif>

2008-10-23 [wolvie]: *yawns and watches* sweetness

2008-10-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i ish back

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: woot

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: YAY! KITTY!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-10-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^

2008-10-23 [wolvie]: *pounces kitty!!!!*

2008-10-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: o.o -ish pounced wags meh tail-

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: welcome back kitty

2008-10-23 [wolvie]: kitty rocks

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: -nods- Kitty does rock

2008-10-23 [wolvie]: agreed ^^

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: indeed`

2008-10-23 [wolvie]: i ish cold

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: *gives Wolvie a blankie*

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: -shivers-

2008-10-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: mew mew ^^

2008-10-23 [wolvie]: *bows to kimmi* thankee-sai kimmi

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: -trips-

2008-10-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -picks up mon-

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: ^^

2008-10-23 [wolvie]: *huggles kitty*

2008-10-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -huggles back-

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: -looks around- o.0

2008-10-23 [wolvie]: i didnt do it!!!!!!!!

2008-10-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: do what?

2008-10-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i dunno

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: hmm alright

2008-10-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^

2008-10-23 [wolvie]: do it stupid

2008-10-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: meep

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: O.O

2008-10-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: nightcore!

2008-10-23 [wolvie]: tallica!

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: lol...i already have metallica listed

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: mon ish getting tired =[

2008-10-23 [wolvie]: hmmmmmm queensryche!!!!!!
mon should go nigh night

2008-10-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -nods- well dont add nightcore...they're trance not metal

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: i have queensryche listen already

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: but its only 7:17

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: kk...*scratches nightcore off of list*

2008-10-23 [wolvie]: but mon ish tired

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: seriously rammstein

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: i added that one already Mon

2008-10-23 [wolvie]: hmmmm what ones do you have kimmi?

2008-10-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: 403 Forbiddena

japanese metal band

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: what about slipknot

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: lol...too many for me to remember off hand...XD

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: got slipknot

2008-10-23 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: what about static-x?

2008-10-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: x japan

2008-10-23 [Boomnesss]: didnt have the last 2

2008-10-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^

2008-10-24 [wolvie]: i ish back dudes

2008-10-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: woot

2008-10-24 [Boomnesss]: ^^

2008-10-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: squee

2008-10-25 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: welcome back wolvie wooooo

2008-10-25 [wolvie]: woot im uber excited going to a haunted house with rogurt later

2008-10-25 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: fun fun

2008-10-25 [Boomnesss]: ^_^

2008-10-25 [wolvie]: yeah i so cant wait im leaving like any second

2008-10-25 [Boomnesss]: kk^_^

2008-10-25 [wolvie]: woot

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